Antagonistic ACC Deaminase Producing Pseudomonas fluorescens with Polymer Seed Coating for the Management of Rice Fallow Black Gram Diseases

K. Raja

Department of Nanotechnology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore 641003, Tamil Nadu, India

M. Karthikeyan *

Department of Plant Pathology, Centre for Plant Protection Studies, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore 641003, Tamil Nadu, India

I. Johnson

Department of Plant Pathology, Centre for Plant Protection Studies, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore 641003, Tamil Nadu, India

P. Latha

Department of Plant Pathology, Centre for Plant Protection Studies, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore 641003, Tamil Nadu, India

D. Saravanakumar

Department of Plant Pathology, Centre for Plant Protection Studies, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore 641003, Tamil Nadu, India

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Plant growth promoting bacterial (PGPB) strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens were tested for their capacity to overcome the water stress under rice fallow condition in black gram plants. Among the different bacteria used, P. fluorescens TRRI-1 were exhibited the highest antagonistic activity, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) deaminase positive reaction to PCR amplification, increased the vigour index, Germination, Seedling dry matter production, No. of nodules in black gram seedlings grow out test and pot culture. Quantitative and qualitative analyses of stress-related enzymes indicated the greater activity of catalase and peroxidase in black gram plants bacterized with P. fluorescens TRRI-1 when compared to untreated plants. The greater accumulation of proline was recorded in TRRI-1 treated plants compared to untreated plants. The greater activity of stress-related enzymes in green gram plants mediated by PGPB could pave the way for developing drought management strategies. The field trials revealed the greater reduction in disease incidence and increase yield by black gram plants treated with P. fluorescens TRRI-1compared to untreated plants. The promising role of antagonistic and ACC deaminase from Ps. fluorescens strain TRRI1 in alleviating biotic and abiotic stresses has been concluded in black gram plants.


Keywords: Rice fallow pulses, plant growth promoting bacteria, Pseudomonas fluorescens, water stress

How to Cite

Raja, K., M. Karthikeyan, I. Johnson, P. Latha, and D. Saravanakumar. 2017. “Antagonistic ACC Deaminase Producing Pseudomonas Fluorescens With Polymer Seed Coating for the Management of Rice Fallow Black Gram Diseases”. Advances in Research 10 (6):1-12.