Alcoholism, Family Violence and Related Consequences: A Case Study of Alcohol Affected Families of Punjab

Honey Kumar *

Himachal Pradesh National Law University Shimla-171014, H.P., India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Aims: The main objective of the study was to understand the issues of alcoholism and violence in the family. It discusses how alcoholism leads to family violence and further, derails the life of family members and put an institution of family into a crisis.

Study Design: The study was based on fieldwork conducted in different parts of Punjab. Exploratory research design was prepared to understand the issue.

Methodology: Sample of 100 families were selected for study and further, four members in each family namely, the alcoholic, spouse, one of the parents and one of the children were selected for the interview, so that an overall picture of family violence can be obtained. A total number of 303 respondents (100 alcoholics, 73 spouse, 68 children, and 62 parents) are interviewed. Semi-structured interview schedule used for data collection purpose. With the help of snowball technique, sampled families and their members are located and interviewed.

Results: The study found 87% of the families faced the incident of violence due to the critical addiction of alcoholic members. Among these families, 80.82% spouses, 79.03% parents and 64.70% children were the victim of violence. Physical abuse was found very common among spouses (69.86%), verbal abuse among parents (91.78%) and mental abuse among children (63.01%). Majority (57.47%) families, who faced violence, belongs to low income category and less education category (86.18%). 

Conclusion: The study concludes, critical addiction of alcohol leaves the highest probability for occurrence of violence in the family. Further, it increases the probability of more critical consumption of alcohol among alcoholics and then more violence. Gradually, all of this turn into a vicious circle of critical drinking and family violence. Moreover, this creates many troubles for all members of the family and pushes the institution of family towards crisis.

Keywords: Critical drinking, alcoholism, family violence, socio-economic consequences, Punjab

How to Cite

Kumar, Honey. 2024. “Alcoholism, Family Violence and Related Consequences: A Case Study of Alcohol Affected Families of Punjab”. Advances in Research 25 (4):183-93.